DVD by MassArt Animation Department. This DVD was produced by the Animation department at MassArt and features the 17 best student animation shorts of 2010.
Where do babies come from? / Kurt Snyder
Jake and me / Jasmine Carter
Quarnipperland / Derek Salvatore
You can't do that / Brandon Dziokonski
[Square: triangle: cross] / Tom Chamberlain
Hill 22 / Dan Rheaume
The pinwheel / Nathan Regnier-Lange
To love the bomb / Jennica Donnegan
Jack's big plan / Johnny Chew
A bathing suit for my sister / Gabby Solares
New way to play / Emmanuel Boateng
Black box / Monica Garrison
NESN / Dan Rheaume
Don't die and drive / Tim Prendergast
Fallen tears / Brittanie Marques
Don't text and drive / Adrian Garcia
Fold / Jack Ritger